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Master Jiang Yushan will select Monkey Fist Door disciples for the new generation


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Main Courses


Qigong and Neigong, the Practices of Breath and Internal Energy

Within the realm of Chinese martial arts, Qigong training holds a significant place in virtually every style. Through the practice of Qigong, practitioners are able to enhance their techniques, infusing them with greater power and efficiency. The sets of Hou Quan Men encompass a variety of movements, both stationary and stepping, engaging the entire body. This comprehensive training builds a solid foundation for combat by integrating the internal aspects of mind (Yi), energy (Qi), and martial power (Jin) with the external components of tendons, bones, and muscles.

The movements of Qigong stimulate the acupuncture cavities, exerting gentle compression and relaxation on the surrounding muscles. This action facilitates the smooth flow of energy through the channels, ensuring its harmonious circulation throughout the body. In Chinese martial arts, the efficient manifestation of Qi into physical Jin requires an understanding of proper breathing techniques.

It is recognized that conditioning the physical body to a higher level necessitates the guidance of the mind to lead the Qi. Through this energy manifestation, power and strength are cultivated and refined. To achieve optimal efficiency in energy manifestation, one must learn to regulate the mind, cultivating higher levels of concentration. The quality of Qi manifestation is dependent on the depth of relaxation achieved in the physical body. As the mind becomes more focused, a heightened sensitivity arises, expanding the overall awareness and alertness of the entire body.

Through the practice of Qigong and Neigong, practitioners embark on a profound journey of mind-body integration. The breath becomes the conduit for internal energy cultivation, while the mind serves as the orchestrator of focused concentration. By nurturing this symbiotic relationship, practitioners unlock the secrets of heightened awareness, allowing for enhanced sensitivity and refined control.

Immerse yourself in the practice of Qigong and Neigong, for within their depths lies the potential to unlock the true power and potential within. Through disciplined training and deep relaxation, one attains a state of harmonious unity, where the mind, breath, and energy converge. May the cultivation of internal energy and the mastery of breath guide you towards a profound realization of your martial arts journey.







Monkey Fist Form

Unveiling the Secrets of the Jiang Shi Monkey Fist Door – Jiang Shi Hou Quan Men

Behold, for the time has come to partake in the mystical realm of the complete Monkey Boxing System – the Hou Quan Men! At the behest of fervent requests echoing across the globe, the venerable Grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan has decided to bestow upon the world the ancient fighting system once shrouded in enigma. Developed within the sacred walls of the venerable Shaolin Temple, its very essence resonates with the whispering winds of celestial secrets.

Centuries ago, this esoteric art emerged, born of necessity, to serve the Chinese Emperor and his clandestine endeavors. The Monkey Style, honed in the crucible of imperial exigencies, evolved into an extraordinary fusion of martial prowess and spiritual transcendence. It is an embodiment of sublime perfection, adorning the lineage of imperial assassins with an aura of awe and reverence. Permit us, if you will, to designate them as “Chinese Ninjas,” invoking the mystical connotations entwined within that appellation.

Within the sanctum of this Shaolin Style, you shall unlock the unfathomable depths of merciless strikes and artful skills. Immerse yourself in the sacred arsenal of the 72 Shaolin scientific exercises, a treasury of corporeal knowledge passed down through the ages. This holistic system unifies the external and internal realms, kindling the divine fires of Wai Dan Qigong and Nei Dan Qigong, exclusive embodiments of ancient wisdom concealed within the annals of traditional martial arts.

For reasons long obscured, the Monkey Boxing System was veiled, banished from the hallowed grounds of the Shaolin Temple, its clandestine teachings confined to whispers. Yet, through the interplay of serendipitous circumstances and mystical forces, the Monkey Boxing System in Taiwan has unveiled its gates to the world, extending its esoteric wisdom through the ethereal pathways of the internet.

Step into the mystic realm of the Monkey Boxing System, where martial art and spirituality intertwine, where the boundaries of the physical and metaphysical blur. Embrace this rare opportunity, dear seeker, to partake in the dance of hidden energies, to unveil the secrets enshrined within this sacred lineage. Allow the mystic arts to guide your journey, empowering you to transcend the mundane and awaken the dormant potential that resides within.

揭開江氏猴拳門的秘密 – 江氏猴拳門

請注意,現在是時候進入神秘的猴拳全系統 – 猴拳門的境界!經過全球回聲的熱切要求,江玉山大師決定將這曾經被謎團籠罩著的古老格鬥系統公諸於世。它是在尊崇的少林寺的聖壁內發展出來的,其本質共鳴著天界秘密的風聲。





Trinity System

Enter the Mystical Realm of Gu Quan – The Trinity System: Xinyi, Taiji, and Monkey Fist

Within the depths of martial arts lies a mystical trinity known as Gu Quan, the embodiment of the sacred arts of Xinyi, Taiji, and Monkey Fist. This interconnected system transcends the boundaries of ordinary combat, delving into realms unseen by the naked eye. It is a sacred convergence of ancient wisdom, blending the harmonious flow of energy, the graceful precision of Taiji, and the awe-inspiring ferocity of Monkey Fist.

In the realm of Gu Quan, practitioners immerse themselves in the esoteric knowledge that spans generations. They harness the invisible currents of energy, manipulating the forces that bind the universe together. Through Xinyi, the practitioner learns to channel their inner power, exploding forth with each posture, their very essence igniting like a celestial fire. This artistry of motion, combining linear and circular movements, unleashes a harmonious strength that resonates with the cosmos.

Taiji, the embodiment of softness, unveils the secrets of stillness within motion. Within the tranquil depths of this art, the practitioner discovers the power of relaxation, sinking deep into the core of their being. Like a master of the internal currents, they navigate the ebb and flow of energy, transforming gentleness into firmness, and stillness into action. The art of Taiji allows one to transcend the physical, to become a vessel through which the energies of the universe manifest.

And behold, the Monkey Fist, a gateway to the primal forces of nature itself. It is a testament to the power of the wild, embodying the cunning agility of the monkey, and the raw ferocity of a raging tempest. Within the intricate forms of Monkey Fist, one finds kicks that dance like leaves on the wind, strikes that echo with thunderous might, and throws that tumble like cascading waterfalls. This ancient art, veiled in mystery, grants practitioners the ability to navigate the chaos of battle with unyielding grace.

In the Trinity System of Gu Quan, the realms of emptiness and explosiveness merge, birthing a power that lies beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals. It is a dance of light and shadow, an interplay of yin and yang, where practitioners seamlessly flow from one technique to another, leaving no opening for counterattacks. It is a mystical fusion of energies, drawing upon the deepest wellsprings of power within.

Those who embark upon the path of Gu Quan enter a world where physical and spiritual realms intertwine. They become conduits for the celestial forces that shape existence, mastering the art of the invisible strike, and evoking awe in those who witness their ethereal prowess. Through the integration of Xinyi, Taiji, and Monkey Fist, practitioners unlock the true potential of the martial arts, transcending the limits of the physical form and stepping into the realm of the divine.

Welcome, brave seeker, to the mystical realm of Gu Quan, where the harmonious dance of energy and motion unveils the secrets of the universe. Embrace the unknown, for within it lies the path to enlightenment and the transformation of body, mind, and spirit.









Hard Qigong

Ying Qigong 5 Element Hardening System
Within the depths of the Jiang Family Monkey Fist Door System, lies the profound art of hardening skills, known as Ying Qigong, a path to forge the body into a resilient human weapon and foster a state of robust health.

As practitioners embark on this transformative journey, they unveil the secrets of the Five Elements Hardening Skills. Among them, the Golden Bell, a technique of extraordinary fortification, bestows upon the practitioner an impervious shield, rendering their body invulnerable to harm. The Iron Bull, a manifestation of indomitable strength, strengthens the core and grants the practitioner the stability of an immovable force. Iron Arms, with its disciplined training, tempers the limbs, endowing them with a resolute and unyielding power. Iron Shin fortifies the lower extremities, transforming them into pillars of unwavering stability. Iron Fists and Palms, honed through rigorous practice, become potent tools, capable of unleashing devastating force upon impact.

These hardening skills, like ancient alchemy, transmute the body, tempering it through relentless training and discipline. They create an armor that shields the practitioner and manifests their warrior spirit. The synergy of body and mind intertwines, allowing for the cultivation of both internal and external strength.

Yet, it is crucial to remember that while the pursuit of hardened skills is vital, it must be balanced with the cultivation of holistic well-being. The art of Monkey Fist recognizes that true mastery lies not only in physical prowess but also in maintaining a healthy body and mind. A harmonious equilibrium must be sought, where strength and flexibility coexist, where the body is fortified, and the spirit thrives.

As the practitioner delves deeper into the teachings of Monkey Fist, they unlock the essence of this profound art. They come to understand that the purpose of hardening skills is not mere physical dominance, but rather a means to achieve inner harmony and self-realization. By forging the body into a formidable weapon, they embody the resilience and strength of the Monkey, a creature known for its adaptability and agility.

In the embrace of the Monkey Fist Door System, practitioners uncover the transformative power of the Five Elements Hardening Skills. They build their body armor, transcending the limits of ordinary mortals, and emerge as embodiments of martial prowess. Yet, they also cultivate balance, nurturing their well-being and fostering a harmonious union of body, mind, and spirit. Through dedication, discipline, and an unwavering spirit, they ascend to new heights, embodying the true essence of the Monkey Fist Door System.

五行硬化技術 – 硬氣功







Private Training


“Embark on a transformative learning journey with one of the most decorated Shaolin Kung Fu masters of our generation. Experience exclusive one-on-one training, setting the benchmark for the highest quality. establishing the foundation for your path to extraordinary skills. Contact me to invest in your mastery and begin your unparalleled martial arts experience.
This offers a more detailed adjustment, providing Master Jiang YuShan’s interactive corrections and practice. Enhancing the presentation of the course you’ve purchased on this website for a more perfect experience.

這裡提供了更細緻的調整,提供姜玉山大師的互動批改和練習。 增強您在本網站購買的課程的展示,以獲得更完美的體驗。

The first basic skill of Monkey Fist Kung Fu

In Monkey Fist Kung Fu, the starting salute and basic footwork are an important part of learning, they help to establish the correct attitude and basic movements.

[Jiang Shi Monkey Fist Door-Salutation+Basic Stances]
Chinese martial arts emphasize the principle of “learn etiquette first, then learn techniques; cultivate virtue first, then practice martial skills.” The initial lesson in martial arts isn’t about learning combat techniques, but rather about learning the forms of fist techniques. In Chinese martial arts, the gesture of “抱拳” (bào quán) signifies: the left hand’s palm with four extended and joined fingers symbolizes the completion of the “four pillars” of………………………


中國武術強調「先學禮,後學術;先修德,後練武」的原則。 武術的第一課不是學習搏擊技術,而是學習拳法的形式。 在中國武術中,「抱拳」的意思是:左手手掌四指伸直併攏,象徵「四柱」的完成。 …………


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Preview message – approximately between July and August

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